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This past weekend I made a couple of short runs to my jabiru 3300. everything went ok but the UMA tachometer (0-3500 electrical) at low rpm was giving erratic readings. I have the DB 9 connector and the wiring was very straightforward, two pins for voltage, one for ground and one for one coil. Am I missing something?, Please anyone with this tach give some input. Thanks in advance.
G'Day. My dynon does the same goes a bit eratic , cruise is fine, high rpm and low rpm are a little weird .But while the big fan up front keeps going round i dont care
Had similar problem myself, but it was quit a while ago, so can't remember which offending wire it was.
Go back and recheck the wiring schematic & directions -- make sure that everything is wire correctly.
I had one two many wires hooked up -- disconnected it and everything went well afterward.
Many thanks to all for your comments.
I agree with Robert on the lousy hour meter, but it will have to do as is. Robert, When you say lighting lead, the tach conects to which of the two leads on the coil, the one going to the switch or to the one going to the distrtibutor?
I will also do what logic and Mack sugests, check the conector to discard faulty wirings.
best regards,
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