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My instrument panel is basically a sealed box to trap heat. I did install a small 12V fan to get a little heat out to keep the instruments from overheating, but yesterday my Dynon D180 did overheat for the second time in two years. The radiated heat through the firewall is also pretty warm on my feet to just below my knees.
I presently have no insulation on the firewall but just checked the following 3 products at
Aircraft Spruce :
Koolmat Insulation P/N 09-24730
Ceramic Blanket P/N 05-00948
Fiberfrax P/N 05-02678 ( not sure if this is for heat reduction or just fire protection)
Is anyone familiar with these products to reduce heat, or have other recommendations ? I'm interested in an easy to install product around existing mounted equipment. Also, I'm not sure which side of the firewall to install the product on, or what adhesive or glue to use. I did send those questions to Aircraft Spruce.
I was also wondering if its possible to install some small, easy to shut on and off air vent, on the fuselage side, or in front of windshield to get some cooler air under my instrument panel. If anyone has something like this, I would appreciate some recommendations.
What's generating the heat? I have an O-235 4" from the firewall and don't have heat issues like you describe... I haven't insulated my firewall yet either.
Best bet would be to blanket the firewall. Do you have any exhaust vents in the panel top? I put two holes with flanges in them that I can later attach a scat tube too so I can defrost my windshield but I noticed just having those holes in there lets quite a bit of heat out on their own. If I had too, I could attach small fans to them as well which would really pump out the heat, but so far I've had no need.
I've seen some guys add a small screen to the side of the fuselage with a small intake shape on the outside to direct air where you want it. Most have a small cover that can rotate so it can be turned off or directed where you want it. Not hard to do and simple, especially if you can reach it by hand. Looks somewhat like the door vents in the 750 but made of metal. Think I had a picture of a setup like that, I'll see if I can find it when I get home and post it...
Try Hi-Tech Foams out of Nebraska. I used their self-adhesive foam that has a metal foil surface and installed it on the inside (cabin side of the firewall). You have to call them as their website does not have a catalog. You get a big piece (I think 24" x 48") for $90.
CH701 N848DH
Jim, if you want to look a a piece of something from AS, let me know, I'll send you one. Need part #.
Walt Snyder
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