I often see stuff noted here that Zenith has posted on Facebook. But I don't have Facebook and don't want it. Why can't they post it here too?

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I don’t have a Facebook account either Bob but I can enjoy looking at everything there including the videos. Just can’t post anything.

I can usually look to a certain extent, but I very often get prompted to allow Facebook to track me, and it won't allow me to visit the site if I don't consent. That's the case here. I know many people don't have an issue with being tracked on the internet, but I do. But that's not really the point. This site is devoted to Zenith, unlike Facebook. They can potentially get more exposure to a broader audience there, so I definitely understand the motivation, and I don't begrudge them that at all. But it wouldn't be much of an effort to also post the same content here, so I don't really understand why they don't.

Time, no one has much of it. Easier and quicker to post on FB (keeping in mind that 7 seconds is supposedly the average time a person will look at a web page to decide if their interested or not).

FB is less build-oriented so the posted content is more social in nature. 

The Zenith forums are not that active, though you can usually get an answer if you're patient.

FB is push notification on posts so it's easier to see the content you want.

FB is an easier way to converse with other pilots/builders.

The majority of people no longer have internet paranoia and don't worry about being tracked, hacked, or identify theft.   

I concur. We got rid of our forum specifically for ease of use. The Facebook groups have also allowed a larger group of people to instantly respond, share pictures etc. We have been really happy with it. Although, I understand if people don't want to join, but having a forum for only a few people didn't add up, as you can sign up to Facebook as easily as forum, you can make it to where your information isn't shared and it is private, just as much as a forum. If you are looking for large amounts of feedback, real answers and the ability to share easier, groups on Facebook is the best platform. (it is also far easier on moderators) 

If you get kicked off Facebook - for whatever reason - you'll lose access to Zenith related content that's there.

I don't care about social interaction, at least not in the context of what's being discussed here.

What I'm talking about has no relevance to amount of activity or response time.

I don't need a push notification, easier sharing, or easier way to converse, nor was I asking for them.

There is no moderation required for Zenith to post content here.

I've spent many years in IT, so I'm well aware of privacy issues and other inherent dangers of the internet. Anyone even moderately familiar with it knows it isn't paranoia. If you actually think making your profile private makes your data secure, you aren't very familiar with how that works. Just because people become numb and accepting of bad things when they experience them constantly doesn't make them right. And no, I've never been kicked off Facebook. I could easily get back on even if I had. None of that really matters though. I'm not debating the pros and cons of Facebook. You do that all you want. But I don't want it, and I'm not even remotely alone in that regard.

I'm not asking for anything related to the naysaying responses here. I'm just saying Zenith could spend a few extra seconds posting the same original informational content here that they do on Facebook.

I abhor FB and avoid it as much as possible because it has embedded itself so deeply into everything. But that's me.


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