My 701 is close to being ready to fly, so I went to the Zenith factory last weekend, and Roger was kind enough to spend some time with me, familiarizing me with the 701. He gave me a lot of great tips on flying the 701, and demonstrated his methods for takeoffs and landings. I highly recommend this to anyone who is building an airplane and is not familiar with its flight characteristics. It was worth the trip. And I have to say that after getting some stick time in the 701, I'm extremely impressed with the airplane. Its performance is incredible, if anything, better than advertised.

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I am in the same position as you.Almost ready to fly.How about sharing the great tips Roger gave you in regards to flying the 701.I am up in Ontario,Canada, too far to go and see Roger.
Hi Randy

I am new to CH701, can you please write some details like take-off speed, landing, flaps etc.
I'd be happy to share anything I can, it's just that it's so much better to experience it. Don't take this as the gospel. I'm just sharing what I learned. On takeoff, we didn't even use the airspeed indicator. The technique I learned is, feed in power, stick back 2/3 of the way or so, the nose quickly comes up (it will pop up fast and high at about 10mph or less), relieve stick pressure enough so that the nose is in about a "soft-field takeoff" attitude. Just hold it right there, and the airplane flies itself off in 3 or 4 seconds. Then, just put the top of the cowling on the horizon and bring the power back a little to normal climb power.

On landing, we used flaps. On downwind, abeam the touchdown point, we brought the power back and raised the nose to slow to 60mph or less, then put down the flaps (one notch is all we had, and all we needed), and immediately lower the nose and feed some power back in, probably 4000 rpm or so, depending on load and winds. Descend at 55-60mph. If you get any slower than that, the sink rate really goes up. Adjust power as necessary to control the glide angle. Flare low, carry some power all the way to touchdown (carrying power all the way to touchdown is very important), then power back, and ease back the stick to keep the nosewheel off as long as possible.

The most noticable thing to me, as a CFI who used to instruct in 172s, is that the airplane is much more responsive on the controls. On the rudder pedals, a little pressure is all you need to keep the ball in the center. The elevators and ailerons are quite responsive. Very little stick movement is needed.

If there's any way you can make it to Zenith to get some familiarization, it's worth it. I had to travel from western Colorado, and stay in a motel two nights, and I think it was worth every penny. My insurance required it, and I went grudgingly, but now I am so glad I did it, insurance or not.

Good luck to you guys. Let me know how things come out.
Thanks Randy, Your reply is a great help to me. I wish I could pop in to the Zenith factory but It is a long way from New Zealand. Cheers, Shafid
I was lucky in that I had a former instructor who instructed on a 701 give me 5 hours of dual. I highly recommend in getting some dual before flying the 701 first time. If you have a rotax powered 701 be prepare for inputing right rudder. My instructor told me fly 100 hours before trying flaps and in his opinion flaps are not required on the 701. Landing is at 55 mph all the way to the ground, anything less and the sink rate is drastic. On take off hammer the throttle and nose comes up right away. Really enjoy flying my 701 have about 40 hours on it. My 701 is 80 hp rotax powered with a 70" KOOL prop.

Fly Safe, Pat.


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