Hi, all;

I have a Cruzer with only one set of headphone/mic jacks. I purchased a FlightCom IISX portable intercom. Appears to work well in the intercom function.

However, my CFI would like the ability to transmit as well. Technically, he *can*, since both mics are live when I press the PTT on the Y stick. However, he'd like his own PTT.

FlightCom makes a PTT Gold switch, but user reviews say that if you use this switch, co-pilot loses intercom functionality.

Anyone in a similar situation? How'd you resolve?

Thank You;


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An inline PTT switch such as the Gold Switch essentially turns the microphone on and off. That's why the user loses voice activated intercom capability when using one. Your yoke mounted PTT, while having the same name, does something completely different. It keys the radio instead of activating your microphone. Your CFI doesn't need a PTT switch for the intercom. He needs a PTT switch for the radio(s), because his microphone is already connected. What you need is a momentary switch to allow your CFI to apply a ground to the same place as your yoke PTT. You may be able to find an inline switch that does that (unlikely), or you could craft your own. Are you using an audio panel, or does your yoke PTT go directly to a radio?

Thanks, Bob;  makes sense what you say. My PTT is wired directly to the comm.  no audio panel. Guess I’ll have to splice something in…

In your case, I'd just install a momentary button on the panel, center or right. It takes up almost no space, and provides a backup if your yoke switch dies. And being center or a bit right, both seats can use it.

Funny you mention that! My CFI did that in his own plane!

Remember to place it somewhere that a primary instrument isn't being covered by a hand using the button, or where the hand/arm could interfere with flight controls.


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