I’ll soon start building my CH 750 STOL. Although I’m a long way from needing floats, I’d like to incorporate the fittings in my initial build rather than have to do a retrofit later. Does anyone have a set of Zenair amphibious float fittings their willing to sell? Thanks, Tom

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Just a heads up on the float mount…..  if they mount the same as the 801 (which I think they do),  the front mount bar will likely affect your cowl exit airflow.  If you are going to mount an air cooled engine, take this under consideration, as you might end up need to make other adjustments to compensate for this.  

Hello Daniel:
Thanks for the heads up. I haven’t seen the float mounts for either the CH 750 or the 801, but I would assume that they are similar in design. My plan is to install a UL Power UL350 for power. The engine is air cooled.
Your message indicates that you have experience fighting the engine cooling gremlins. Insofar as I have absolutely no interest in “reinventing the wheel” may I inquire as to the details of your experience so I may benefit from same? Thanks.

I have the IO-375 (low compression pistons, 195 HP), which produces a lot of heat.  Knowing this at the start, I built with a larger  firewall mounted oil cooler. I originally flew on wheels, without the float hardware.  This configuration worked pretty well.  When I installed the float mount, the cowl exit area was effectively reduced and I had trouble with hot temps.  I ended up adding cowl adjustable flaps which allowed for increased exit area.  
Pic shows the yellow mount bar across the cowl exit, and also cowl flaps.

Thank you Daniel. I very much appreciate the information and the photo. I’ll certainly keep it in mind as I build my airplane. I admire the clever way you installed the cowl flaps to address the cooling issue. Thanks again.

Dave Beaulieu (on this forum) has a 750 STOL with a UL power engine on floats.  I think he could probably tell you more precisely what to expect in your situation.  He also did a very nice write up in the floats forum providing some performance information for that combo.  It is a must read.


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