I purchased a new encoder from Aircraft Spruce, it's still in the box, and is nice because it includes all instructions and installation hoses, connections and wiring.  I finally got my Dynon encoder working and don't need this one.

Here is the link for the type:



First $120 takes it, I'll pay for shipping and use Pay Pal




Louis Gallego

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sorry, forgot my email,


Louis Gallego

Let me take a guess at the problem you experienced... "It was not a a wiring issue, the Dynon D180 had to be selected in the menu page to send the altitude AND the Garmin 327 GTX transponder had to be selected to recieve the altitude / transmit the altitude information in the transponder menu page." That is what happened to me anyway.

yup, very simular problem, I have had it tested now by our local FBO repair shop, and everything works perfect so I don't want to mess with the Dynon/Encoder/Transponder setup. I figure, if it ain't broke, I'm not going to fix it. But if anyone is setting up a simple panel and just wants an altitude encoder, this is a nice simple and complete setup.


Thanks to everyone for the interest. The encoder found a good home in a Cherokee on th east coast.

Louis G.
Its funny. I Australia because the Dynon D100 is not TSOed you have to have a TSOed encoder.. Bummer just paid 250 bucks for mine.. and yes its into a 327 Garmin


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