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Started building my wing ribs, have a question.
My ribs want to come out with a little bit of a "banana seat" bend in them. I can correct this at the relief flanges, but is there a good technique to straighten the rib between?
I found if you lay the rib down on the bench with the flat side facing down, you could push down with your fingers gently where the bend was most pronounced while watching the flanges.
As you push down, where the flanges bend slightly in or out the most is where the stress relief needs to be, then I used a crimping tool to pinch or flatten reliefs a bit at a time until the rib wants to lay flat naturally on the bench. Just keep working at it, it becomes easier to spot what needs to be done as you do it.
Wash, rinse repeat until the rib was flat, then I did the lightening hole flanges. After pressing those, I found a little more tweaking of the rib flanges/reliefs was required but not much.
Thanks Jason! You really helped me hammer out the issues I was having! :)
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