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My Jabiru engine uses 1/4" flex lines from the firewall to the carb. I had been using a fuel filter that utilized a clear plastic housing with sintered bronze filtration element unit sold by Aircraft Spruce. Initially I was not keen on a plastic filter housing, but with the low fuel pressure and well wrapped in fire guard, they worked fine for 9 years. That was, until Spruce stopped stocking them. I bought a bunch many years back, but my stock finally ran out. I saw a product from Summit Racing that also uses a sintered bronze filter in an aluminum housing. However, it is two piece with a rubber o-ring. I am not sure I want another sealing joint in the fuel system. Other choices I see are paper filters inside either plastic or metal housings.
What filter do you guys recommend for a 1/4" barb fitting design in a low pressure (2-3 PSIA) fuel system??
Dave G,
Have you looked at the Andair inline fuel filter, you can choose barbed or flared fittings. It comes apart for cleaning. I have their fuel selector, gascolator and inline filter in my 701.
I think their website is
Thanks for the response. They are pretty pricey, but I see they are cleanable and re-usable. That will help with the year over year costs. I have an Andair fuel selector and it's a high quality product.
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