Being from Canada I must have a Pre Cover inspection completed on my 750SD by the MD-RA and hope to have that completed within a week or so. I will then install the fuel tanks and consider installing the fuel senders as provided by Zenith - which in my opinion are inadequate for such a critical item. I've also read many threads both here and other forums on fuel sender problems.  I have a Seneca with a PSI Fuel Totalizer and seldom look at the unreliable fuel gauges.  I constantly compare indicated fuel remaining with fuel added and it is always very accurate.

The question I have is can I, should I, install the Dynon Fuel Flow Transducers (I'm installing a Skyview system) and not even bother cutting the holes in the tanks for the Zenith senders?  I would require 2 Transducers if I install a UL engine, one on either side of the engine.

Your thoughts, comments?

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Seems as long as you don't have any Canadian rule requiring it, it would be ok.  You can always dip your tanks, keep close track of your run time and use your main totalizer.

Bob, I believe the fuel flow transducers (Red Cubes) are no longer required with newer UL engines to provide signal to the Dynon EMS.

Thanks Arnie & David - I'll contact Dynon and Ray at UL to discuss and will post their reply.

This is true with GRT.  Not sure about Dynon, but I expect the Dynon can get this information from the UL ECU like  GRT does.

I am not sure about Canada but in the US I think you would need fuel gauges to comply with

§ 91.205 Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements.

(9) Fuel gauge indicating the quantity of fuel in each tank.

I know that for my airworthiness certificate this was required even though it is certified as Experimental Amateur Built.  I think a fair argument would be the need to know if the tank is leaking which would not be shown by the Totalizer.  For instance a missing fuel cap.

Just one thought on the topic.      

91.205 does not apply to experimental amateur-built aircraft. It applies for night and/or IFR operation by the operating limitations.

Now what's legal and what's prudent are two very different scenarios. 


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