Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I just started my fuel lines and was wondering how many of you are plumbing your aircraft the way that zenith shows it or are using something like a andiar valve. I'm using a corvair which is just gravity feed. I don't know if it's worth the $400 or so dollars and lot of extra work, what do you 'all think?
h I'm building a 3rd edition 750
I have a shut of for each tank and a main shut off. More to check on your start up but if the tanks cross feed and the plane is not sitting level fuel will feed from the high side and run out off the lower tank. Makes a mess and fuel is not cheap.
I had just about decided not to install a valve, and never thought about the cross feed problem . Oh well it's only money------and lots of it. Thanks Lawrence, this is what is great about this site lots of help.
same here, new builder, mostly clueless... perhaps this is off topic as its regarding the lines not the valves??
Have any of you heard of a builder using plastic reinforced line, "synflex" is one of the names, we use it for fuel line on class 8 trucks and heavy equipment all the time, virtually indestructible if routed appropriately, easy to install with compression fittings. you can have 1/2 inch line and hang off it, we run it next to exhaust systems that hit 700 tom 800 degrees under hood, its good up to 125 psi if running pressure. fittings can be brass so no corrosion issues. I've seen it on trucks 15 to 20 years old and never need to be changed!
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