My fuel sensor is on top of my fuel tank. I would like to be able to access the fuel sensor if something went wrong with it. Does any one have a idea how to cover this sensor up that is on the wing skin.

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if your talking about the hole in the wing skin to the filler nect then take a trip; over to the local home depot aeronautical store and go to plumbing section. you are looking for the rubber seal for a toilet tank to the toilet base. this will fit your neck perfectly to the skin, it will also eliminate any syphon of any fuel with full tanks. you may need to drill a small hole in the top of your fuel cap if the seal is too high and stops the vented cap from working.
What I am looking for is something to cover up the fuel sensor that sit on top of the fuel tank.Not the fuel neck where you put the gas in. Please help if you can. Thanks
Hi Robert, I saw a picture of a fuel tank in a 701 wing tank with the fuel sender located on top of the tank. What the person had done was glued a piece of rubber tire tube over it before enclosing wing. Hope this helps
On the 801 my dad and I are putting together, we elected to put in nuit plates and make the skin above the wing tanks removable with screws like my Cessna 150 instead of riviting on....


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