I recently replaced the fuel lines in my 701 with Parker series 39704 SUPER-FLEX FL 1/4" Low Permeation fuel line. Since the replacement the overall opinion by me and my wife is that the gas fumes are significantly reduced in the cockpit. The original fuel lines were Goodyear 1/4" rubber lines. Before I replaced these I thoroughly inspected the fuel path for any signs of leaks including the fuel sending units (mine are side mount type) and found nothing that would account for fumes.

So my conclusion is that the original GoodYear lines outgased and caused the fumes, since replacement with the Parker lines, things are much better in the cockpit. The Parker fuel lines were purchased from Aircraft Spruce. if your smelling more gas than you like in the cockpit you might try this..

regards to all .. Bob Kissell Dayton, Ohio

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But now, how do you know when you're out of gas?
When the airplane gets real quite.
I know exactly what you mean by "fumes" but no leaks.
I leave my cockpit doors open when parked in the hangar..just for that reason. It never occured to me the fuel lines would let gas pass causing fumes in the cockpit. Interesting... I will check this out.
TX - Bob


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