Hi everyone Im starting the cage install on the 750, there is a 

problem lining up the lower fuselage section and cage I have about

45mm offset to the rivet holes. the upper portion has been trimmed

and clecoed to the fuselage with no problems. Why is there such a discrepancy for and aft with the lower portion? I measured the wing

attach points and these check out ok. if I try and align the frame tubes

and rivet holes there is to much of an angular discrepancy. Anybod else heve this problem?

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If I recall I had to cut about 10-15mm off the bottom to line up with rivet holes.

I just completed this, and also had to trim 10-15 mm from the bottom of each tube. You might actually cut into the weld slightly. There's no other choice if you want it to fit right. There is a thread on the 750 forum about it. I am pleased with how mine turned out, but didn't think it would fit when I first set it on there. It will start to come together quickly once you trim off a few mm's.

thanks guys for the help. One other question, the small hole in the cage goes into the lowest hole on the fuselage like on the upper mount, Correct?

Yes, that's what worked for me.


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