In the dark crevasses of my mind, I'm arguing with myself that I already posted this query, but cannot find it...

I'm curious if any builders have used the Additional Pilot Program for their flight testing.  I have a bunch of questions, but I'll take the relatively easy one first....

Did you follow the AC to the letter? As in, it seems there's a lot of information they want in the pilot logbook such as qualifications of the "Qualified Pilot", "Builder Pilot", and Observer Pilot.

Along with the above question, did anyone START with an Additional Pilot, but then go back to traditional solo piloting after (?) 2-10 hours? Did you then remove the logbook entries in this case, assuming they were just copies of the checklists just placed loosely in the logbook? Is the APP documentation part of the "permanent record" that should remain there forever?

Am I over thinking this?

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Phil Cook of Lavion Aero provides additional pilot training.  He knows all about the program. I would contact him for the information.

I have not.  Several folks in our EAA Chapter have though.  In each case they followed the AC to the letter.  We have 2 pilots that meet all of the criteria.

I was mostly concerned about the documentation that qualified the QP, BP, and OP. Whether it needed to be a permanent record in the pilot logbook, or can it be just "slipped in" and removed when no longer needed. I'm familiar with Phil. At this point, my CFI is quite adamant that he be the QP. It goes a bit deeper than that. He's a very close friend (32+ years), neighbor, and something like the #3 or 4 senior Airbus pilot at DFW. Yeah, yeah, I know that and $5 (?) will get you a cup of coffee (I don't buy coffee...). He's a homebuilder and all around aviation guy. He exceeds all the AC requirements except for time in exact model. (we're working on that with offers from other local Zenith friends).

I wasn't clear in my response. I didn't mean you would need to fly with Phil. just thought he would be a good source to answer your questions about the additional pilot program.


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