Anyone that can assist, I need to select a engine for my STOL 750 that approaches completion. I am very keen to install the Honda Viking engine , the price looks good, but is the fuel injection engine suitable and reliable for the aircraft environment. Any major concerns such as engine failures that occur sine the launch of the engine in 2010.  From sunny South Africa.    

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Hi Danie

I have a 650-B and got my Viking last July. Installed very easy. Had a period where I was having starting problems but that has been corrected by the last ECU update. I live in North Carolina and the cooler weather in the winter made for harder starting. I started flying it in November and only have 21 hrs. total flight time but everything works fine. Don't regret my engine choice.

The 650 forum has a discussion relating to the Viking.

Good Luck


Thanks Tom , highly appreciate your feedback. Just a Q or 2. Are you making use of a header tank and could you do the update yourselves and was necessary to perform the update?. How cold can it get in Carolina. Greetings Danie  

No, the 650 doesn't use a header tank - both tanks lead to a duplex selector switch and go. Jan does the ECU update and I believe that's so all updates are done right. We have freezing weather in the winter and it starts fine.


The Viking fuel injection system is very reliable for airplanes, and very efficient, 4 gallon per hour, I have 39.9 Hrs on mine as of today, Yes if You have cold weather, best to use a honda engine coolant heater. The way the ECU is updated is by trading ECUs with Jan. No charge.

Thanks M

You might want to consider a William Wynne Corvair conversion. I freely admit to being predjudiced, so take my comments with caution. However, you end up with a stone simple engine installation with minimal complication and minimal things to break. You also get a years long track record of development and maturity in the installation. William has a 750 specific installation all worked up, all the bugs have been worked out already and the parts are available. You can build your own engine with the conversion manual or buy a complete running engine, broken in on a test stand, for a very reasonable price.

I much prefer simple. No reduction drive. No fancy computerized control circuits. No high RPM highly stressed engine. Just a suggestion..........


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