Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
So I'm instructing in my 601, my student is not responding to my instruction. He insists on chasing the airspeed indicator on final instead of looking out the nose at the horizon.
I'll fix that,,,,,I hold my hand over the airspeed indicator and get him to look outside.
Now I'm distracted and my left hand which usually hovers very near the stick is way over on the other side of the cockpit.
See where I'm going here.
Student aggressively flares about 20 ft up and down we go.
Crash and we skid off the left side of the runway.
The left gear fork is twisted and the tube has jammed, bent.
The nose gear has been driven up and has taken the firewall support with it.
Luckily the prop does not touch the ground.
A friend who help get the airplane onto his trailer comments on the fact that Chris Heintz built in fail points so the aircraft suffers minor damage.
Thank Chris.
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A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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