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Does anyone have a digital flap indicator for the position of the linear actuator. I ran across this company here that sells what looks to be an easy setup to add an indicator, however I am unsure of the wiring from the actuator. If anyone has any other ideas I'd be open to those as well. We are just looking for a digital indication of the actuator and not something mechanical.
This is the link to the product Im looking at
I may be missing something. The product description says the indicator works with THEIR systems that have built in position feedback. I take that to mean one would have to replace the flap drive motor.
Ive read where some builders just count the seconds they hold the flap switch. Takes 4 secs for full travel.
I have reached out to that particular company, they do say it will work with other actuators that are " all –I and –P actuators, as well as the –P/LAC combination. I'm pretty good on electrical but this one is just confusing me. I guess I need to find out what type of linear actuator zenith uses.
I used a Ray Allen Sensor, it works with both their display and with my Dynon HDX
i have an extra Ray Allen indicator like what I used on the elevator trim I wonder if that would work instead of spending the money on their trim indicator?
You can get just the indicator sensor and wire it to that trim indicator. The flap and trip indicators in the RAC world work the same way. The trim is internal to the servo, the flap is external, per my picture.
Was there a certain way that you figured out where to drill the hole?
I measured the effective range of the sensor input, then measured the range of the flaps servo, using cardboard taped down and marked for the throw.
Then i found the spot that would send the sensor thru its range without bottoming out at either end.
I installed the sensor in a position that would provide the correct location for this, then verified it again, then drilled the hole and got it on the first try.
Measure twice.. or more.. drill once!
I should add that the exact range is less important on the Dynon HDX since you can calibrate it. When you use the LED sensor, you should make sure the full range is used an each meaningful movement changes the LED status, otherwise you could end up in with the LED at one end or the other with motion still to go on the motor.
Thanks Jonathan,
I think I can figure something out to get the full range used, and as another had mentioned we will also count how long it takes it to move just so we know as a backup.
Thanks, Jonathan! Picture worth many words, especially in this instance.
I didn't build my airplane, but attached are the wiring diagrams that came with it in case they help. I notice on my flap indicator I think the bottom light doesn't light and I haven't troubleshot it yet. I'm hoping only an adjustment is required.
Best of luck, Tim
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