Does anyone have a digital flap indicator for the position of the linear actuator.  I ran across this company here that sells what looks to be an easy setup to add an indicator, however I am unsure of the wiring from the actuator.  If anyone has any other ideas I'd be open to those as well.  We are just looking for a digital indication of the actuator and not something mechanical. 

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Based on that wiring I am assuming there is no fuse or breaker associated with these items either the actuator or elevator servo? My wiring diagram does not show one. 

I have a Control Vision EXP-2 BUS DC Power Panel / Load Center. I think this DC load center switch panel is a type of electronic fuse panel, so I guess it could be fused in that sense, but I'm not smart enough to read these diagrams (attached) well enough to know for sure. I hope this helps.

I’ve got the Ray Allen position sensor/indicator pair for my flaps. Works great. Sensor is separate from the actuator. Not sure it’s truly necessary.....

Hi Jared, I know you said 'not mechanical' but it does work, ref:  My version:

Flap Position Indicator.jpg

Hi Jon,

could you share how you rigged your flap indicator please ? I must say I am very impressed with this simplistic approach and would like to do the same for my cruzer . If you can also help list out the parts you used , that is highly appreciated .



Hi Ramesh, Will has posted a good description in the forum link, above.  I just followed what he did.  I don't have photos of my linkage by the motor, otherwise I would post them, sorry.  The quality bike cable I bought, runs smooth, and is tied off along the bottom of the central tunnel. 

When it comes to Flaps usage on my Cruzer, it's either half flaps engaged for takeoffs and the majority of landings (we have long, sea level runways), with the occasional use of full flaps at landings.  This, when on Final, I have the need to get rid of height.  So I could have simple marked my Flap Position Indicator; "Up" "Half" and "Full".  I don't fiddle with my Flaps setting in flight, to achieve positions "1" or  "3".  I find no need.

As John Austin says, you could keep things really simple and count "1 and 2" for half, and 4 seconds for full, and be done with.  If you have inadvertently left Flaps at half (forgotten to retract), the nose of the plane will be noticeably high, and if the Flaps are set at full, you will know, without an indicator.  I call it a helicopter descent. 

Regarding Rigging Flaps:

I'm hoping not to cause a debate here, but in adjusting my Flaps, after early flights, I made their retracted position, ever so slightly 'negative' - a bit like they have on some gliders.  The straight edge down the top surface of the Wings over the Flaperons is 10-20% personal opinion anyway, i.e. have I got it 'spot-on' as per the Rigging Guide?  Just wait until you get to this point.  I felt there was so much lift present, what must be happening during cruise.  This is my opinion entirely.  This class of aviation is experimental, and I'm going OK at 140 hours.

cheers John

Thanks lot John,

I appreciate your help in kind. I ordered the bicycle cable as you mentioned and hoping to replicate your setup as well.

will keep you posted as I am also at 30 ft msl here in Florida , USA .




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