I have a 701, so not a lot of interior to do, I'm trying to finish this sooner rather then later so I was thinking of just using spray paint. 

Considering Rustolem self etching primer and then some kind of paint on top of that. 

Anyone have a recommendation for an interior paint?

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Ten years ago, I painted the entire exterior of a fiberglass plane with Rustoleum Appliance Enamel. It still looks brand new today. Whatever you decide, get the trigger that attaches to the top of the spray paint can. It makes it easier to get even coats. 

I used Rustoleum professional on the interior: 


The professional series is my favorite rattle can paint. It dries faster, sprays better, and touches up without lifting. The only downside is the limited number of colors depending on what you are doing. Like most rattle can paints, it isn't as UV stable as a 2-part urethane, and it isn't as chemical resistant. For the interior surfaces that wont see much sun, it was easy and inexpensive. I wouldn't use it on the exterior or anywhere fuel may get spilled. 

I used Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy on two different instrument panels. 

It's not true "epoxy", but it works well and holds up.  It only comes in 2 colors:  White and Gray.

- Pat

As with any paint project the preparation is key.  With good prep the rattle cans work just fine.  Scotch bright to scuff the surface and wipe down with lacquer thinner then a good self etching primer.  I used Rustoleum finish coats and it is working fine.  The only issues are where the seat belts ding on it and where the prep was not as good.


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