When I first tried my iPad Mini in my 601 with the Bad Elf GPS I hated it. Had trouble seeing the screen, then I purchased a suction cup mount and a purposed mount cradle and I was able to place the iPad inches from my face and all the vision problems vanished, even in the direct sunlight. In the mean time I had purchased an iFly740GPS. I found the screen was brighter than the iPad, but still I had some difficulty clearly seeing the screen. It is mounted between my legs under the panel where the previous owner had a Lorance GPS. Now I have the best of both world as for as this old pilot is concerned. I have the iFly app on my iPad and android phone. I have the stratus with ADHR that fully integrates  with the GPS and I have synthetic vision on top of that.  Now everyone is telling me the iPad will run low on power on long flights and will shut down the way I have it located on my canopy. so for my longest flight has been 3.1 hours on a 90+ day and I still had 10% battery power on my iPad mini and it didn't shut down, although it was rather warm to the touch.  I haven't dismissed others advise, figure it must have happen to them so I took the following steps, but have yet to try them out in an actual flight. purchased a EC22400 mAh battery with three USB outlets labeled Phone, Samsung Tab, and iPad. I also purchased a usb cord with a push button on/off switch soo I could turn the power on and off to my iPad mini as long as it had power in its battery. I also purchased a mini cooling fan with a USB power cord and ty wrapped it to the back of my iPad cradle to provide extra cooling. I hope this will add an extra margin of  redundancy as I have really have become very fond of this form of navigation. Not to worry, I still have a VOR in my plane, and I still carry current VFR sectionals in the plane and I'm proficient in navigating using them. .It sur is nice to have a laptop with programs like iFlight planner and all the newer innovations for todays flying. . 

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I have a spot reserved on my panel for tablet. I figure if commercial airline and military pilots are flying with an EFB makes sense for me too.


I'm building a Kitfox and I plan to use the iPad as my with the Iflygps download for my main panel. 


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