Is anyone out there using a Jabiru 2200 in their 701? I like the direct drive, lower rpm. and air cooling,but only if it works well. Joel Sansing

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Hi Joel, theres lots now using the 2200 and a few on the 3300 I think theres a section on the ZAC website about the installation - although ZAC dont sell those engines themselves.

I chose the 2200 in 2003 at a time when the next available choice was a 912 that cost $12,000 more to install not including the ring mount now available (and I would never have installed a tray mount 912 after seeing so many engines shake to bits with that system) The FAA even put out an SDR and Zenair modified the HS attach brackets on the 701 because of the 912S installations.

The 2200 now has ample performance since I got the prop sorted, it does not overheat and runs smooth. The 2009 engines are considerably changed (hopefully for the better) and the main annoyance has been a poor service life on some engines - but not as poor as my closest 912 owner's !

If I was starting over and price was the same I would use a 912, but here we are closer to Oz and I can get nearly 2 Jabiru for the cost of a 912, so when my 2200 expires I will get a new one. I have not seen a VW do very well in the 701 the other engines that do well are 2 strokes - for a short time.

Thanks for the reply Ralph.What is the flying weight of your plane, prop info, take-off roll, and top and cruise speeds? I agree that this plane does need a light engine. I have also heard of the cracking HS brackets, I just finished replacing mine with the thicker parts.Its kind of rough to upgrade parts before you even finish building, but so goes plane building.Thanks again for the reply,I place a premium on info from someone actually flying with parts in question. Joel Sansing
From what I have read the rotax 912s is the engine of choice for the 701.


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