One of the fuel tanks for my XL had two small spot welds in the middle of the tank skin. Manufacturing flaw, repaired damage ... who knows ? Zenith took it back and sent me a new one, no questions asked.

Decided to go with LED position lights, after purchasing standard lighting kit from Zenith at the time of my kit purchase. Zenith accepted the original purchase back and refunded the original purchase price.

Ya gotta love, the way they do business ! Very reassuring, to a first time builder .... Thanks Zenith.

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I didn't order position lights from Zenith when I ordered my wing kit because I figured I'd look for LEDs when the time came. The time has come. Whos lights did you buy? Why did you chose them? Where did you find the best price?

I bought the lights from Aveo (Mid) America - Stan Smith. He was at the Zenith Open Hanger Day in Sept. During March, there was a little advertised, factory special: By two of the new E-Series wing tip lights and they would throw in a tail light. Saving about $275.00.

1 AVE-WPSTG/R-LP & AVE-POSW-XP MARCH SPECIAL - AveoFlashLP E-Series Wingtip Position/Strobe Lights and PosiStrobe Tail Light $759.00 $0.00 $759.00

Given that the alternator on the Jab 3300 is very limited in output at low revs (so I'm told) the huge savings in amp. draw of the LEDs is what appealed as well as the lifetime warranty and the utter simplicity of the units ... no bulbs

I'm still thinking about the landing lights ....
I bought a pair of the Aveo wingtip position lights through Aircraft Spruce, but they didn't come with any mounting hardware or instructions. Did yours?
Don't need much in the way of mounting hardware, really. As I see it - the units are simply through bolted with a rubber gasket (supplied) between the unit and the wing tip. If you go to the Aveo-America web site you can down load a wiring diagram. Very simple wiring ... 18 gauge.
If you have trouble, let me know and I will copy what I have and send it to you.
Thanks, Bennett. I guess I expected them to supply the mounting bolt, or at least tell me what I need and how much torque to put on the bolt/screw. I wouldn't want to crack the molded enclosure.


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