I was looking through my plans and noticed all lines seem to be measured to the tenth of a millimeter. I am guessing no one has a pencil or pen fine enough to break up a millimeter down to the tenth. Is this just drafting precision and should be rounded up or down? I can be precise but I don't think my electron microscope is working up to par these days :)

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See the tolerances sections of the official construction standards or some guidance. I think page 21 is asking for plus/minus 0.5 mm on the rib height at the spar:


-- Craig
Hi Grant,

I quizzed Zenith on this when I first started and they explained it was because they were getting requests from people who were plotting them in CAD programs, then printing and pasting on the timber before cutting. As Craig has mentioned the closest you have to get is 0.5mm on the rib heights... and even that is going to be pretty difficult.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, now I am not sure about the tolerance of construction standards. I drew lines for my first forming block 65-t-4-1 and the shape was not a nice continuous arc. I checked my measurements two more times it still had a slight bend inward towars sta 5. I was not sure if the part maybe wasn't supposed to be perfectly radiused or not, so I emailed zenith and was told there might be an error in the plans. He told me to adjust the lines to form a continuous radius. I can do that, but then the total width is over 1.5 mm too wide at that point. Maybe I am being to picky on the accuracy a forming block should be?


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