I think my Dynon GPS 250 receiver module finally packed it in.

It has been doing funny things for a while, but we thought it may have just been the metal hangar we are in.

It is mounted on the glare shield so it does take the full anger of the engine.

It does not get any satellites now and there is the required 8 Volts going to it from the Dynon.

It is also 12 years old so I am not surprised if it finally decided to quit.

Does anyone have one lying around that they are not using?

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Dynon has them lying around, but they aren't free. There was a 251 sold in the Classifieds forum at the Dynon user forum last week, so you might find one there. They don't seem to show up very often though.


Thanks for the input from everyone who helped out.
I ended up getting a new GPS module/antenna from Dynon.
There was a bonus in getting a new unit, vs. a used one. The software is definitely an upgrade from the original. It has different features and seems much faster to update.

Hook up is the same 4 wires and the mounting bolt pattern is identical so it was a direct replacement.

I did find a wire at the base of the old unit that was suspect, so I fixed that. I will try the old antenna in a different port on the Dynon next time I am at the hangar. If it works, we will use it as a secondary antenna.



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