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you need to see 2750 rpm on climbout with the O-200 - if not then prop needs setting
but first check if the mags are timed at 28 deg not the old AD setting of 24 degs which looses about 5 hp
Darin, I've got a 750 with a C-90 & the Whirlwind prop. At 2600 rpm I'll be making around 95 mph or better, S&L solo. My own version of a power-check is to firewall it while S&L to see if I continue to make the same rpm, which with my prop setting is around 2660 rpm. I would make sure you are getting full power out of your 0-200 with a thorough engine checkout like Mr. Bonasara suggested by confirming your timing and verifying good compression before I'd do anything else.
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