Hi all,

Just bought a S107 prop for the 912 ULS, have anyone anyexperiance with this?


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I have an Aeroprop propeller. Looks exactly the same, I suspect they come from the same producer. Mine is three blade scimitar 1770 mm diameter. As I recall I've set the pitch at 23 deg. Its on a Viking 130, so the prop would be turning about 2060 rpm at full throttle. I don't think mine will get quite up to that rpm at full throttle. I've got 21 hours on it so far and all is well. The socket head cap screws into the hub didn't have locking provision so I drilled the heads for safety wire. I've had comments how quiet the plane is. I didn't think the angle gauge was real good, used a different method. As I recall I paid $770 for prop, spinner and shipping. I have nothing to compare it to, but performance seems to be just fine. No regrets.

I suspect I will have a flatter prop as only have 100hp to turn it. Are you set at cruise at 23 degrees? Glad to hear this style works, thank you.

Can't say too much about cruise speed. I've never tried full throttle, either take off or cruise. I've had it bit over 100 mph on part throttle. Take off seems prompt. On takeoff I've been running it up gradually to 35-40 mph, then about 3/4 throttle and it pops right off. Very roughly 83mph at 1600 prop revs. Here is a link to the prop I use if you are interested: https://aeroprop.aero/en/products/propellers/b-1770/. In hindsight this prop might be ever so slightly too aggressive for the engine. I don't think the static rpm will get to where it should be. So far I am happy to leave it as is. I just checked my notes and looks like I flattened it some since I had it at 23 deg. That's at 75% radius.

Well thanks for the reply, I hope to have time to get it on first week of November then will be able to tune it. Appreciate the link!

I have the straight blade version on my 912iS 750. I have a little over 500 hours on it and it has been a solid prop. Performs fine, have not incurred any damage and has been trouble free. Was a bit of a pain to get all three blades the exact same pitch but once set, they have not moved. I did perform a dynamic balance which made it very smooth/vibration free. Mine is fairly quiet but understand the simitar is even quieter.

Thank you, Ill look into a dynamic balancer.


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