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I'm looking over my CH750 plans and starting to bend metal for a scratch built Cruzer.
The plans for the tail and wings are complete but the fuselage pages only cover the assembly. For example page 750-FF-01 shows the firewall as part number C75F8-1 but unlike the tail and wings, there is no page C75F8 on which I would expect part number 1 to give the dimensions, material info and bend instructions.
I'm trying to reach someone at Zenith. What am I missing here?
Ok so, answering my own question...
I talked to Katlin at Zenith. The answer is that my plans are the newest edition, 5th edition. 5th does not include the details on fuselage parts. Apparently the way it works is that 4th edition has applicable details to build these components and then 5th is the latest on how to bring it all together. Katlin will talk to Roger and will send me either pages or a complete set of 4th edition plans.
On another issue... The plans ordering page of the Zenith website says your plans order will include a DVD that has all the instructions for scratch building the Cruzer. That's no longer correct. Builders are directed to the Builder Resource tab at the top of the Zenith website home page. Katlin says that all of the video content for Cruzer is there.
Thanks Bob,
Your welcome!
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