I never imagined how much fun this would be.   Couldn't be happier with the 3L Corvair/601 Combo.  Temps stayed in range through every maneuver.  Average of three tests shows a 900-1000fpm climb rate @ 80mph.  Trims hands off at all useful airspeeds (just a hair of aileron trim, but quite a bit of up elevator trim needed for slower speeds).  I've got an older kit with a very small elevator trim tab, and will need to increase its size in order to reduce stick forces when using flaps.

A special thanks to Buzzy Duvoll @ buzzair in Lawrenceburg, TN for teaching me how to fly the 601, and to each of those XL/Corvair builders who have posted their fine builders logs online for folks like me to enjoy.  I'm particularly grateful for the logs of Larry Winger, Dave Gardea, and Ron Lendon.  Very helpful, guys.  



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Thanks for sharing.  Great Job.  Very excited for you.  Can't wait to be there myself.


Awesome! Congratulations!

Question. Shouldn't the oil pressure be a bit higher? It looked like was showing below 40psi. What is normal on the Corvair? I have no idea, just asking.

I would like to see it slightly higher, but 37psi is the pressure set by the stock bypass spring. I am looking into replacing it, but am not sure if it is really necessary.  


Love the sound of the Corvairs from the ground and pilot seat. 

My 2700 holds 39psi oil pressure.  


Takes a long time for a grin like that to ware off.  Have fun.


Congratulations!  I appreciate the data.

Jon, congratulations on completion of your Corvair powered bird and the first flight!! Your engine sounds sweet fron the takeoff video and your pressures and temps look great from your flying video. Way to go! Enjoy the flying in your phase 1! Keep us all posted on your progress and keep those videos coming.


Congrats from Idaho!

Now the fun starts.


Congratulations from Maine, I could watch your video a hundred times and it wouldn't get old!
Just moved my 3L 601 corvair TD to the local hanger to finish.

Yaaayyyy Jon!! I am jealous. I have a few years to go yet, life is slowing my build down a LOT. However, that means the Corvair has had time to mature, as has the airframe. Knock on wood it should be a fine plane when it finally gets done.


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