What is the ideal neutral stick position in a 701? I have the required up down deflections. The stick is nearly vertical at neutral but very far back nearly contacting the front edge of the seat with full up elevator, and quite a ways from the panel on full down. It seems farther forward might work better. I could easily shorten the elevator control tube to put full down a lot closer to the panel. I cannot recall addressing this during the initial installation, nor can I find anything definitive in plans or manual. 

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Great question as I’m just rigging my Cruzer’s elevator and my control stick is about the same as yours (ie: goes way back for full up elevator and not that much past neutral for full down). Based on what I’ve seen on other Zenith aircraft will need to adjust it forward. For me that is cable adjustment. Interested to hear the input and advice from others. Cheers

It is what works best for you. You have to play with cable adjustments to get it where you want...no need to modify tubes. Mine at full down against stops is close to panel; at full up is against seat, and neutral is close to vertical.but i made it that way. you are right- nothing in the manual on 701...entirely up to the builder.i found it to be a lot of "experimenting" with the 701.figure out where you like the stick in all regimes, and adjust/make cables accordingly. Happy experimenting!

Hi Shawn,James,

Thanks for your feedback. I currently have a 5/16 threaded rod with swivel rod ends from bottom of stick to control horn, to be replaced by 4130 tube c/w male ends for aforementioned rod ends. Also designed and installed a divorced aileron system, so have latitude for change in the future. That said, my stick deflections appear to be close to yours Shawn, pending a little fwd adjustment easily made by cutting temporary 5/16 threaded rod, beyond that I will hold off any changes until first flight. thanks again for your input.



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