Hi All,

So I have been given a hand me down CH650 wings and tail kit. Everything looks good then I happen to come across a Corvair engine that was built at a Corvair College and checked by WW himself. Best part is the engine is located in my town of Tucson, AZ. Things in life never seem to go my way, finally an exception! Thoughts?  


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Looking at the picture of the engine I don't think that WW built the engine.

First, the rocker arm covers are not his.

Second, the intakes on the heads of a WW produced engine have tubes that are welded on to mate up to his intake manifold. The head shown in your picture still has the area used to bolt on an intake manifold.

There may be other discrepancies but these are the two that jumped out at me.

If someone told you that this was built at a Corvair College and checked by WW himself, I think you may have been misled.

This doesn't mean that it can't be built to WW specifications.

I strongly suggest that you contact WW himself. He is more than willing to talk. You can find his information on his website:


He also has a Facebook page. Look for WW Flycorvair.

You should be able to find pictures at either place that show that the engine in your picture does not conform to his engines.

I hope this helps,


Earnie, what pictures are you seeing.   I can only see a picture of an uninstalled distributor.


Look at "Corvair%20Engine.jpg"

Hi Earnie,

Thanks for your input. You make some very interesting points. I did get in touch with WW and we had a nice conversion today. He brought up some of the points you did and unfortunately he does not keep records of who attained his functions ten years ago. We went over the Clark's Corvair invoice of part and the ion nitrated crank. All of the receipts match the builders address so it this is a scam, he sure went through a lot of trouble. I know I have a lot of work to do but for 1K, what the heck. WW thought I got a hell of a deal!

WW's traveling Corvair College will be coming out to Yuma AZ next spring, about a three hour drive from Tucson, so I plan to tear everything down and do a full build up just so I can learn and really put my name on it.

With that said, I have a lot to learn about carbs verses injection and distributor verses electronic ignition. Is it worth the cost, reduction of weight, reliability, and maintainability. What about the the coolness factor? Please feel free to comment and make suggestions.



KRYN Tucson, AZ

I'm glad you spoke with WW. I'm also glad you are going to rebuild the engine from the "ground up".
I just didn't want you to think you had an airworthy engine when it may not be.
I have attended a Corvair College in San Marcos, TX. and at least two of the at Zenith's factory during their open house in September.
I am building a CH650 and will be using a corvair engine in it.
At the college in San Marcos I tore my engine down. I have not built it yet. I want to wait and have the fuselage ready for it before I build it.
Also, look up "Zenvair Pilot" on youtube. It has video done by Larry Nelson who owns a 601 with a corvair in it.

Hi Earnie,

Thanks for having my back. I really do appreciate all of the feedback from you and the rest of the forum. I'm new at this so keep the comments coming! 

Was the College worth it? I sure hope so because I'm really looking forward to it. This motor is going to be so bad ass! I wonder if WW will piggyback his College with Copper State Fly in?


I think the College was more than worth it. There is nothing like seeing all the parts, watching them go together and then see the engine run in person.

I don't know about Copper State Fly-in. Zenith's open house is coming and he usually is there. If you can make that I don't think you would be disappointed.



Congratulations on your acquisition.  sounds like you are off to a good start.  I have been to several colleges, and ran my 3.0L at Barnwell in 2017.  They are great experiences, and I have continued to go, even though I was no longer building my engine.  I met a lot of great guys there.  Also, I continued to learn more about the engines at each one. So, is it "worth it?"  Absolutely.  Cost = Free.  Value = Priceless.

It may take you more than one college to get the engine torn down and back together again.  Does your motor have a 5th bearing on it?  You will want to make sure you do that.


Thank you Joe. I'm looking forward to WW coming to AZ. I've talking to him on the phone and I can honestly say that his main concern is safety. As far as the 5th bearing, I really do not know at this time. Is there any way to tell?



KRYN Tucson, AZ


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