From the Zenair website...

For economic reasons, kit production for the CH 640 aircraft was discontinued in early 2020. Zenair will continue to provide necessary parts and sub-kits to existing builders to complete their projects and for owners to maintain & repair existing aircraft.

Interestingly when I click on the hyperlink, the page it takes me to is like a press release, but it disappears about 10 seconds after it pops up every time I try to read the whole thing. An excerpt from the hyperlinked press release: 

The demand for four-seat experimental kit aircraft has been slow across the industry; a fact that has also impacted sales of Zenair's 4-seat designs. This has unfortunately made production of our affordable airframe kits for the Zodiac CH 640 economically un-viable. Rather than  increase the price of these kits, Zenair has decided to cease production and sale of all new drawings and/or kits for this particular design.
For those that have already started a CH 640 kit project, or for those already flying one of these remarkable 4-seat aircraft, Zenair is committed to providing all necessary parts and sub-kits necessary to complete the aircraft and/or to maintain & repair existing models.
​To order parts for your CH 640 aircraft, contact Zenair with the part-numbers and the part quantities you need.
Note: You will need to be registered as the owner of your aircraft for technical-support and to order parts; your aircraft serial-number will be needed to register.
See Here for additional "How to Order" information.

This is what's curious to me. You won't even sell the drawings if we want to plans-build? I guess somebody needs to tell Vans they need to shut down their RV-10 production lines... And Airplane Factory, y'all need to shut down your Sling TSi machines as well. Y'a know... since "The demand for four-seat experimental kit aircraft has been slow across the industry" and all...

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I just followed your link, looks like a new domain, and it asked me for an email address and password??? What is this? And this thread I'm currently posting in... I can't find it on Zenith aero. The only way I can get here is to follow the link in the email notification I got about these latest responses. I'm lost...

Oh... I see. This is in "Open Forum", not CH640 group. I forgot I started this thread in "Open Forum" because I wanted more that 3 people to see it. 

The CH 640, in side view, looks like a Beechcraft Musketeer - except the Musketeer has a longer fuselage.  Please don't be offended by my next statement:  Both the CH 640 and the Musketeer look FRUMPY.  They look very old fashioned.

Joe T.

If the CH 640 were available I would buy one as soon as I got my current 750SD completed. I hope Zenith brings it back with match hole drilled version now that they have the larger factory and MOSAIC is coming out. Paired with the Viking 195T would be a great machine. Zenair just doesn’t have the cost reducing CNC tech that Zenith has, labor is expensive.


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