Horizontal stabilizer spar shows pre drilled holes in the instructions but there are none on mine. After emailing zenith I was told,that's how they come. I am however confused why their instructions would have them (if they aren't part of the actual piece) and secondly, isn't that what I am paying for? So I don't have to waste 3h measuring and re measuring everything just so I don't make a mistake? Curious about your experience, if you remember...

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On my spars (CH750 STOL), I had pre-drilled holes. One edge, which faces the down/curved skin was not drilled. This you don't need to measure, because when you cleco and ratchet strap the skin over the ribs, the skin holes will dictate the spacing.

No sure if this helps since you don't specify which model you have.

When one part ... usually the skin ... is pre-drilled and the mating part is not there is no chance for hole misalignment. You will come to appreciate that.

If you screw up a part, you don't need to reorder the kit; each piece can be individually ordered.  I know this from experience.

I built an HDS.  There were no pre drilled holes on any of the parts.  The HDS kit was designed before CAD and CNC.


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