Hello, Can anyone flying a 601 HDS please provide some known air-speeds for power off stalls and power setting for landing the 601 HDS w/ Rotax 912 UL, Tricycle gear? Thank you!

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I'm 30 hrs into my phase I testing on my 912 uls powered HDS. My power off stall speed is 56 mph true and 48 mph indicated. The stall speed has been about the same for all loadings that I've tried (solo pilot with full 8 gallon header tank, solo pilot with full header and full wing locker tanks, and solo pilot with 200 lbs of sand and full header and wing locker tanks).

I'm using 80 mph on climb out. My data indicates that Vy is about 80 mph and Vx is about 75 mph. This also agrees with Larry MacFarland's speeds in his POH. At these speeds I'm getting between 850 and 900 fpm climb with full fuel and solo pilot.

I'm using 80 to 75 mph on final approach. I've tried slower but the plane is starting to feel mushy and I start getting uncomfortable.

Here is a YouTube link of one of my latter test flights you can see the ASI and see what speed settings I'm using.


Plane weighs 625 lbs empty and I weigh 220 lbs.

Hope this helps


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