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So I've begun painting...
Many of our modern paints require relatively precise mixes, so when you'r painting small pieces i.e. cowl to get the hang of things it makes sense to mix small amounts. If you've got gallon containers, this is a PIA and will result in a gigantic mess, and most likely inacurate mix quantities. So I had an epiphany while I was driving by a feed store... How about a large horse syringe? AHA, Perfect I thought. I carefully portioned my paint using my syringes, and used a separate syringe for each component. All was going well. The neatest I've ever painted. I sprayed a light tack coat, waited a few and started laying down a base coat. Fish eyes started appearing, first one or two, then a total disaster. FISH EYES EVERYWHERE!!! Was my air clean, did I have oil on one of my rags? I decided to try to backtrack. I used a clean paint brush and painted a little aluminum. A few fish eyes popped up. So I decided to take one of my syringes, dab my dry paint brush on the rubber plunger, and then paint a piece of scrap. Extreme fish eyes. At this point I had isolated it to the paint, not the air, gun or surface. Here's the kicker. The plunger on these sterile syringes are lubricated with apparently some sort of silicone or similar. VIsibly, the plunger looks perfectly dry and clean. I am amazed at how little silicone it takes to totally ruin a paint job. Absolutely amazed. If anyone can share a similar experience, or something else not to do, it might save someone else the hours of sanding and reprep that I got to do this weekend. All because I thought I was so clever with my syringe idea.
One suggestion for mixing small amounts is stainless steel measuring spoons and cups. My paint supplier sold me a set with the paint. I have never used the spoons, but have used the small cups ever time so far. My paint cans have the ratios on the label ie. 4-1-1 or 8-1-2, etc. I just use the same cup and count. If it were any more difficult, I probably would mess it up.
Hmmm, so you need clean air. Not sure I would have realized that.
Thanks again Steve for the reply (and especially for the advice).
Takes a real man (or woman) to admit their mistakes in public for the good of all of us!
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