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The only valid weight & balance info is the one for your particular aircraft, as built and equipped. You need to weigh the aircraft and compute the actual weight and balance.
Density altitude calculations are something I have struggled with. They don't exist, and I live in a high DA area. Finally this summer I just started experimenting on 95 to 100 degree days. I came up with a DA for my runway that I won't take off at or above. It's not a precise calculation or chart. Just a hard number with a lot of safety built in.
There are few things more terrifying than watching the end of the runway pass underneath you and your plane won't climb - and trees or hills fill your windscreen. It's a totally helpless feeling. I have been lucky to survive more than one such bad decision (not during my recent testing).
I think this is one area of homebuilding that does not get the consideration it deserves - evidenced by the sheer lack of information available on the internet. By "lack of information" I mean how to determine your homebuilt aircraft's performance based in DA.
It's my understanding manufacturers determine their AC's performance charts by flight testing and interpolation. Yet there is little or no information the internet as to how this is done. Or at least, none that I could find.
Are you saying you bought an aircraft and the owner didn't provide a POH? Or are you building one and are looking for examples?
Bizzare that he did not have one. You can't legally fly the plane without one.
I've attached a copy of a POH for a 601 XL. This one was based on a lycoming O-235. Use at your own risk. Obviously, all weight and balance and performance numbers will be different for your aircraft.
The word that you used basically describes the previous owner. He is of the FAA be damned crowd and did what he wanted. Unfortunately, I found out about a lot of this stuff after I bought the airplane and to get everything up to speed and in compliance with the FAA has cost me one hell of a lot of money. Its a buyer beware market out there apparently. Thank you for attaching the manual. Trying to get it to download so I can print it out.
The manual did not download. Could I ask of you to try again?: Thank you!
That sucks about the previous owner.
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