My first order of 6061-t6 sheet arrived a few days ago very well wrapped from the supplier. After going through the plans for a few days now, i realise that i will have to order more material. The shipping cost almost as much as the materials, so i would like to try get it right next time I order. It seems that the factory have an informative list of raw materials, unfortunately it is for the 701. I am a little surprised that the same is not available for our 750, as they have been making ch750 kits for some time now. I asked the factory, and was told to get assistance from this forum on the matter.


The spreadsheet I have seen gives estimations in square millimeters, which i cant seem to relate to.  Is there perhaps a builder out there that can help me in this regard please?

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Google will make sense of it for you. Just type the following into the google search box:


convert (x) square millimeters to square inches

Hi Martin, I am plansbuilding a 750 also. I could not find a material list either. I took some graph paper and drew out my skins so I had an ideal of what would fit on a 4'x12' sheet.

  Good luck, if I can help you, just let me know.

I would also like to have a materials list. I plan to start scratch building this summer. I am having a 10 foot metal brake made now.  Where did you order your material from? Usually rolled aluminum is reasonable to ship.

 I would get started on building with what you already have. I am plans building the 601 and by the time I finished with the majority  of the sheet metal work I had reordered a few times. I just couldnt get it right the first time and sometimes the third. I guess what I am trying to say is mistakes can and do happen. whether it is a mis cut or misbend or smiley that happens on the fit up. Make your large parts first if you have a problem then you can make smaller parts out of the otherwise scrap.

  Jon B.

Thanks for the replies all. I have made quite a few small parts now and am enjoying it thoroughly. I enjoy the process of working out the best yield from a sheet and arranging parts to suit guillotine cuts etc. The plans are well layed out also, ensuring that our planes at least resemble each other :).

Its awesome to finally see shiny airplane parts come off the forming blocks, I should have been doing this years ago :) I have cut out the majority of the .016 parts. My box of clecos arrives from a/c spruce next week, which is a relief, as I have a distinct urge to rivet something.  Thanks Jon, the tip on the big parts first makes a lot of sense.

Enjoy your building guys and we'll chat soon

Hi Martin,


A group of 6 of us are plans building 750s. I was the guy elected to come up with how much aluminum we should order. I went through every page on the plans and roughly figured out the area of each part. I did this very roughly. I simply took the largest X and Y dimensions of each part and multiplied the values. Here is what I came up with. I DO NOT GUARANTEE that my values are accurate but this is what I got. I figured how many 4' X 12' sheets that we would need"

0.016" - 5.1 sheets

0.020" - 9.2 sheets

0.025" - 2.2 sheets

0.032" - 1.5 sheets

0.040" - 0.63 sheets

0.063 - 0.77 sheets

0.090" - 0.04 sheets

0.125" - 0.12 sheets

0.1875" - 0.005 sheets

0.250" - 0.005 sheets


These calculations were done from Version 1 plans when they were less than complete. It would have taken much more careful examination and calculation to get more accurate values but we felt they were close enough to make our orders. We rounded up and ordered extra to account for mistakes. You will also want to look for the angle aluminum and for the 4130 chromoly steel. I hope these numbers will help you get a start.





Hi Joe, many many thanks brother, thats exactly what i wanted to know.





I have drawn all of the rib sections in AutoCAD.  Then I made copies of the parts and laid them out on simulated 4 x 12 sheets.  Perhaps I should post images of everything laid out on sheets.  I didn't think that they would be of value to others.  I may have spaced things a lot closer that many people would like but if you do that you can get qouite a bit out of a 4 x 12 sheet of aluminum.  I am still hung up on the dimsnsions not adding up on parts like the horizontal stab.  You commented on my Dimensions question earlier.  You were the only one that commented.  I tried talking to Mark Townsend today but he was leaving his shop for Valentines Day with his wife.  Said to try calling later so I will do that.  If I get an answer I will share it.  I don't have the sheet layouts here so I will try posting the drawings later.

Joe Begany

Hi Joe, I would be interested in seeing your layout sheets.

I am pulling them together and I will probably post them on a seperate topic so that they can be located by everyone.  Should be up to morrow.

Attached is the spreadsheet I built for estimating CH750 materials.  I have both CH650 and CH750 plans and after a lot of soul searching decided to build the CH650.   Spread sheet list each part and subpart and exterior diminsions, material type, and thickness for each peice.  You can also download prices from AS for estimating material cost.  Tubing, angle and sheet steel are also listed.   I am retiring in 10 months and am spending 2011 finishing my workshop, worktable and building a WW Corvair engine.    Good luck,  hope this helps.  All parts are listed in MM, but totals are converted for sheet estimates.


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