Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Whats the secret of installing these. I am having all kinds of trouble! They were fiberglass. The flanges seem to be at a 90 degree angle than what they should be.
These were a pain, but they can be made to work. There's some other threads on fitting these, but I had to trim a lot off the flange and move the tips in and out and adjust, and eventually they were able to to fit. I really had to grind the front make it fit, but after it was all said and done, it fits fine.
It doesn't have to be perfect, the fit is really cosmetic, but both sides should be consistent.
Walt Snyder
Thanks Walt. I finally figured it out by trimming a lot of the flange off. I left the nose skin loose and then tightened the skin over it after i had it fitted in upper and lower skins
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