At least two of us recently are having trouble posting photos properly on our "My Page".  It seems that for some reason recently, using the same camera and computer, my posted phots show up 90 degrees from upright.  The webmaster has provided a "rotation" function recently and a link to "save" the changes.  However, when the edited photo reappears on "My Page", the photo remains 90 degrees off center counter clockwise.

This problem for me started to show up after a recent revision to the Zenith website.

Does anyone have any suggestions to the problem or a fix?

Bill Bear

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Contact Efe. He's the site admin.

In the meantime, you might try taking pictures in landscape mode instead of portrait. They display better on web sites like that anyway.

Do you mean "take pix with iPhone oriented horizontally rather than vertically?  

I sent a message to Efe a few weeks ago but no reply.

Yeah, that was a suggestion as a temporary solution. I've never understood why phone cameras don't default to landscape. Or maybe you could edit and rotate the picture before posting as Don suggested. That might actually work, because I've seen online rotation functions refuse to work before.

Strange that Efe didn't reply. Maybe John can contact him.

Sometimes the way you orient your camera has an effect on how the pic is presented.  This has happened to me in the past.  What I did to correct is that even if the pic on my phone looked correct, I would hit the edit button and move it left or right to get it back in the same position...then post again and then it always came up being properly oriented on the internet.  I have no no explanation for why but it worked.

Bob and Don, thanks for the tips.  I'll try them on next pix post.


Testing out rotating with my iPad.

Appears to work, so rotating the picture before posting it should work. You could also do it to correct the pictures you already posted, like I did here.

I'm going to try to post the same photo here and see how it comes out.


When using the "image" link to upload from my computer, presentation is incorrectly orientated as on "My Plane" page.  The url I provide in the other post above does provide a correct orientation.......really a confusing problem....

Weird. Are you posting from a PC or mobile device? It might be the device you're using.


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