Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
hi chris is that normal to repack the chute did you have this installed on your 701 joe
Joe - I was going to mount it but decided against it because my significate other likes to travel in the plane with me so I need the room for luggage. Repacking is normal for ALL BRS chutes. There is a date stamped on the chute. This chute was due this past October. The unit was inside a newly rebuilt 701 that was overturned by a thunderstorm it was brand new then. I'm finally accepting the fact I'm not going to ever get to mount it so its got to go. Its just taking up space...... Also got an intercom system (2 place never installed) $100 + shipping if you know anyone. Thanks for the interest.
im interested but things are slow and im trying to finish up the plane wings slats then connect weight balance etc my hand s are full do you have the weight and specs on the brs? joe im looking for a elec turn bank or gyro i have a portable 4 place intercom im trying to sell or trad joe
Roughly 25lbs..... I wish I had a turn bank I regret not putting it. I use the HSI on my GPS.
Yes, it is still available. It is the canister type.
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A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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