I have the POS-12 laying around so thought I would fabricate mount and linkage to have the position sensor give my Dynon setup a signal for flap position.  The POS-12 is simply a 0-5K resistor pot.  I have 5V and ground wires from the Dynon EMS as well as the general purpose input pin/wire ready to wire to the POS-12.  The POS-12 has three wires; white/blue, white/orange, and white/green.  Th white/green is the signal wire.

I cannot find which leads of the POS-12 accept the positive and ground wires. The Ray Allen fellows could not say and any wiring diagram on their site shows the POS being powered thru the LED position indicator they also make.

My question...  Does it matter which remaining two wire gets volts and ground?

I think it does not make a difference as long as the signal wire (resistance signal) from the POS-12 goes to the general input of the Dynon EMS unit. 

Can anyone confirm or add differing insight? 

Thanks so much...

Found answer...white/orange takes the  EMS 5V source  and white/blue goes to EMS ground

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Electrically it makes no difference which way electrical current flows through a potentiometer. However, the response over the signal wire will be affected. If you get it backwards, the signal wire will indicate the flaps going up when they're going down, and vice versa. If that happens, just reverse the wires.

Oops. Just saw you figured it out.

Thanks Bob, kinda of what I was thinking.  The calibration process with the Dynon would resolve the directional issue anyway, so I suspect it really doesn't matter!  But, since the Dynon manual specifies - I'll do it their way!


Hi David, what model are you fitting this to? I am building a 650 at the moment and have the same sensor for the flap indication, I am also installing a Dynon Skyview avionics package. Would be interesting to see what your bracket looks like and how you have attached the sensor to the flap actuator. Not looked at the wiring part of it yet, working on my wiring diagram at the moment. 

Cheers, Mike

Hey Mike, I will eventually get around to fabricating a mount with piano wire connection to the mixing tube or to the rod end bearing of the flap actuator.  Still getting put on the back burner...

Make sure to break out a 5V power supply line from the Dynon EMS to run to the POS-12 along with a ground and general sensor input line from the EMS as well.  



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