I may have to remove my wheel to fix a tube leak in the next few days. All my manuals are at my hanger, and I was curious tonight on how to remove the wheel. I seem to remember than the rim is bilted together, and I don't recall seeing any lug nuts.  I have a brace for the wheel skirts that is safety wired to wheel assembly (2 bolts)

Does one need to remove the wheel via bearing cap or is there lugs I haven't seen? I did remove the skirts, and hit the low tire with fix-a-flat. Will probably need to patch

Thanks in advance (Remember I did not build my 601XL-B

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Don't know if it's the same Matco wheel that is on my 750, but if it is, you take the castle nut off, remove the 3 screws on the inside that attach the wheel to the brake assembly, and off it comes. You may have more trouble removing the tire from the wheel, they can be stubborn as the tire tends to gall to the wheel at the bead. Smear some grease on the rim when you put it back together & it will help prevent that next time you have to take it off. If you are running tubeless, be sure & put some Vaseline or some type of grease on the O-ring so you don't get a leak there. Works for me.

Thanks so much for you response. Will tackle this weekend. Guess I will need to replace tube. Can't believe how much they get for small  5.00 x 5 tube.


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