Has anyone attempted putting a Rotec alternator on a gen 4 Jabiru?  I recently purchased an unfinished kit with a 4th generation Jabiru engine. The purchase came with a new Rotec alternator update kit. I started to mount it on the engine but became clear that the kit, as it is, will not work.  The gen 4 alternator mount has integral posts, or standoffs, that keep the mounting bracket (spider) the correct distance from the engine. The Rotec bracket is flat, and without some spacers or standoffs will not work.

it seems a fairly simple matter to make individual spacers or standoffs to place the bracket far enough behind the engine, to fit the alternator pulley.  But then, I’m not an engineer.

I am curious if anyone has tried doing this? I would have spacers machined if I were sure that was the only change necessary between the 3rd and 4th generation motors. I emailed Rotec, and I’m waiting to hear back from them. Is anyone else interested in putting a Rotec on a gen 4 motor?


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I have a Gen 4 flying on a CH750 STOL and the 20 amp built in alternator has been more than sufficient to handle the electrical load including a full lighting package.  While it seemed like a great idea to have a more traditional alternator, it just has not been a problem so far.  I think the introduction of LED lights has changed the need for more amps in these basic aircraft.  I look forward to seeing if anyone has used this on the Gen 4 in case I decide to make a change someday, but so far no issues.  

Thanks for the info.  I did a little more checking and I don’t think the holes in the Rotec bracket line up with the holes in the Jabiru, so spacers won’t work either.  Maybe a gen 3 owner would like to buy my kit at a discounted price.

However, I think I will still use the electronic ignition that came with the kit.  The plane is already wired for it, so I don’t see the harm in using it without the alternator.  

has anyone out there used the Rotec ignition?  If so, what were the results?


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