Good morning everyone !!!

This question goes to friends who are flying Continental O-200 engines equipped with ground adjustable propellers, such as Whirlwind and Sensenich:

Question 01) What static RPM are you applying ???

Question 02) What is the maximum RPM that you are receiving from the engine during the ascent ???

Thanks !!!

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I’ve had a Continental C-90 on my 750 for over 10 years now, and the first 400 hrs I had the Whirlind 72” 2-blade GA prop. I  now have a Catto 76X37 fixed pitch prop, but both perform fine. Regarding the WW prop, I recall using a 14.2° pitch setting which would give me around 2350-2380 static and around 2600 max power straight and level flight. The attached photo shows 2390 rpm nice cool air strsight & level flight approx. 90 mph airspeed from Oct. 2017, but this was with slats off which gains maybe 4 mph on my plane. I prefer to fly slats on and 90% of the time I do. 
I would suggest you start at 14.2°, go fly, and adjust as needed for your 0-200


Hi Jimmy!!!

I'm running 2500 static, 2600 climbing, and keeping 2500 cruising with you at around 80/85mph. So, I believe I'm missing reality.

Thank you very much for the information.

Good flights !!!

Hi Paulo,

I have a 750 Cruzer with an 0-200 and a ground adjustable Sensenich prop cut down to 72”.  I have set the pitch for 2600 rpm in the climb and 2750 at level max throttle.  I cruise at 2400 rpm at 85-90 mph with no wheel pants and 6X8 tires!  So plenty of power.  I live in Florida so field altitude is just 75 feet msl.  Static rpm is irrelevant Paulo. 

John Minatelli


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