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I don't have a photo, but mine follows the side of the fuselage all the way to the left rudder peddle.
So yours doesn't make the bend that mine is making?
I would have to position the fairlead much further in to have a straight shot, likely in the way of the passenger leg.
Are you sure you have the pedals in the right place? Mine also follows the side of the cabin.
Never mind I see that the angle is made going rearward.
But mine still follows rearward as well.
My pedals are further back, but moving them forward doesn't change that angle much.
Got a picture of your peddle hook up, that would help. I think that may be the issue.
Ah, I was looking at the picture thinking it was the other way around. Is your cable going through the pulley 7C6-3?
I haven't placed the pully yet as I was considering puting in another horizontal one.
The vertical pully doesnt effect the angle as you want it centered on the cable between the two fairleads per 7-C-3
I see what you're getting at.
7-C-0 shows the cables following the outside edge of the fuselage, not going in a straight line between the fairleads when viewed from above (the little diagram in the lower right), and you can see in the larger diagram on that same page that there's not much angle in the cable at the forward fairlead. Mine actually does have a second (horizontal) pulley just ahead of the vertical one, and both are mounted right near the edge of the fuselage, but if I was doing it myself I would put a single pulley in at an angle (not vertical). If you drill one hole in the gear tunnel to mount the pulley bracket with a cleco and then pull the cable tight through the pulley, then you can rotate the bracket away from vertical until the pulley is at the correct angle, and then drill the second hole in the gear tunnel to attach the other side of the pulley bracket. Does that make sense?
Ah I don't quite understand the mounting but I think I get the idea of trying to have it at say a 45 degree angle pulling the cable down and to the side?
Exactly. The plans are a little unclear on this point, but I think that’s what was intended, because it doesn’t make sense to mount the pulley vertically if that puts a side load on it, and the only way to avoid a side load while keeping the pulley vertical would be to mount the pulleys closer to the centerline of the fuselage, in line with the fairleads (as you rightly pointed out), which is not what is shown in 7-C-0 and it creates the situation that prompted your question in the first place (the angle through the forward fairlead). And there’s no need for the complexity and weight of two pulleys (one vertical and one horizontal) when one will do the same job if it’s mounted at an angle. Finding the correct angle should be fairly straightforward because if you pull the cable tight then the pulley will naturally align with the cable if you allow it to swing around a point.
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