I just noticed this morning that the exterior of my starboard cylinder bank is significantly more rusted than the port side (video below).  

Looking back to old photos/video, it seems to have been this way when I purchased the plane in August. 

This engine was rebuilt by the guys at Arion in Shelybville, so it was approved to leave their shop about 2 years ago. I do not know if cylinders were replaced at this time, meaning there is possibility of newer and less rusted cylinders in the mix leaving the others looking worse for ware. 

I live in Seattle, so yes I live in a humid area, but its hangared and if the rust was a result of the humidity wouldn't it be more uniform and therefore across all cylinders? Could this amount of humidity/rust happen in 9 months? 

My questions are: 

1. Is this a result of anything other than mother nature, meaning are my cylinders running too hot/cold? All EGT and CHT's are within spec. 

2. Is this in need of replacement? Borescopes at annual were wonderful, no issues internally. 

3. Like Mike Busch would say, am I overthinking this? Does this happen sometimes and unless I see degradation of performance I should let it be? 


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