I am parting out 2, 701's have many new and used parts and accessories , wheels/ brakes/ tanks /controlls / struts / if you have a need please call BOB 907-892-7369 

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i am looking for two 10 gallon wing tanks.

Jerry, I have 4 used as main or aux. depends on sender location and fuel outlet , I also have the VDO gages and senders and fuel screens and hose fittings , also I have cork tape , and switch valves and gascolators , just let me know what you want and I will put togeather a package price ..BOB

1) what do you want $ for all that you mentioned in this e-mail. 2) Just the 4 fuel tanks $. My 701 has two 7 gal wing tanks, I put a bigger motor and it uses 5 gal and hour.. I would like to have 20 gal total

Jerry, the tanks would be $490 which is $100 off ZENITH   , for cork , gascolators , tank senders , VDO gages nipple fittings , finger screens , quick drains an added $250 which is another $90 off .., total of $740  ... ZENITH would be $928... Tell me what you want and I will get shipping to your address I also need to know if you want rear or side fuel outlet as is aux . tank are different I also have a unique way to hook up extra tanks with only one switch valve in system , are you going to move small tanks outboard , this is how I have it in my new plane ...BOB ,

Jerry, if all you need is the main or aux tanks they would be $250 @  with caps , gages ,senders [,$500 for two ] they are $300 each bare from ZENITH which would be $720 with gages, and senders , I am taking $220 off the pair , IT looked like I was selling them for $250 , sorry for the wrong post       BOB

Bob , I need your mailing address.

Bob Jones PO Box 521016 Big Lake, AK. 99652 1 907-892-7369

Jerry , do you want the tanks ?? BOB

Bob,looking for horizontal & elevators to start, possible fuselege, depending where you are !

Tom Hankamp .....pvnyejag2@juno.com....(direct e-mail) or tex 845 464 6328

Tom, I have a good horiz. elev was damaged, make offer BOB

Bob, if I am correct your area code is Alaska ? My 845 is NY ,but live in Jax Fla. I am concerned that the 

freight cost would negate any savings ! Your thoughts ?  Tom my zip code is 32246 

Tom , I will check FED EX   BOB


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