New Form Link

I have a new way for you to join the spreadsheet

Long term I think it will make it more secure to participate. If you fill out the form, I will be the only one that can see your email address. I will only use your email address to secure the form and map. Only catch is, it has to be Google compatible email address.

  • If your personal email account wont work
  • Its super easy to create a google gmail account and link it to your own personal account. I created one after my N Number.
  • Its - you could use this account to log into the shared spreadsheet and new Google map.

New Form Link

Winners Announced See Latest Post!!! 

I will contact all the winners and let them know what what they need to do next.

Thanks for Participating !!!

Zenith Aircraft Builder and Pilot Experience Info Sheet

Google Shared Sheet Link


Google Map Topic/Discussion Moved here

Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns.

Thanks for taking any time you can from your project or flying, to fill out the spreadsheet.


John M. Greiner

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John - This is fantastic idea

Perhaps we all can add this contest in our facebook profiles too -- and I am sure we have bunch of Zenith pilots connected via facebook :)

Thoughts ?


There is a facebook group for Zenith, worth posting there at the least if not already done. 

At 77 now

Great Idea Scott. The only thing about facebook, is that its way more public. Right now our only security, or rather the lack of security, on our spreadsheet to make it easy on everyone, is - anyone with the link can get to it. So we are on a completely honors system. Typically only Zenith folks can see it. Now of course, one Zenith person could email the link, or post the link, anywhere they want, and then the "cat is out the bag", so to speak. One bored person on the internet, could constantly give me heart burns playing around with or completely wiping out the spreadsheet data, and I have to go to one of my non-shared backups. It hasn't happened yet, there have been a few innocent mistakes, that I fixed, that I can deal with. Another thing is, and I hope this doesn't happen, some vendor represented on the sheet that has the link, gets on their and starts modifying information to make their product look awesome.

I only want real people, being honest with as close as real numbers, as they can provide. Not perfect numbers, just good ole builder to builder, pilot to pilot, experience and opinions. That has more value to me personally, than what any vendor can say through a phone call, email, text, website, etc... No offense vendors, but part of you is a salesman, and its impossible to know where the aircraft enthusiast ends and the sales person begins. I believe if you have a good product, it will speak for itself, and you don't have to bash other products to prove it. Sorry, this is my personal opinion and really doesn't matter in this posting. It might be relevant only from the standpoint of, reminding everyone why I started this.


We have options, but they make it little harder for people to contribute, but it would be manageable, and this is getting big enough, its probably worth doing. By harder, I just mean they will have to ask for access to the spreadsheet. I will probably have to ask contributors to supply the email address account, or Google account, they will use to access the spreadsheet. So new people will basically have to email me and request access. Then I could better manage who has access to it. I could also see who makes accidental mistakes, so I could help train them or at least make the aware of the mistake, so they might not make the same mistake again. Not everyone necessarily uses Google/Chrome, that's the easiest way to secure it, everyone just uses their Google account, in fact, then I can share it with them. I think I can even share it with non-Google accounts.

Understand. Have you thought about putting a google form together that outputs the results into the google sheet, which you can then just give view access to?

It is a good idea as far as reaching more pilots and builders, no doubt.

The only issue is, I would probably have to change how it is shared, which might reduce participation, just because of 1 more step being added. We would probably need to change the security from, anyone with the link, to only those I have email addresses from? So contributors would have to contact me to have them added for access. Rather than how it is now, they see the shared link, they click on it, they get in. Just like with all IT security, convenience and easy often mean less secure, while even a low level of security creates at least a small bit more or time to use or implement. It would certainly be better, generally to just go ahead an secure it a little better. I think I will ask everyone about this. 

The other thing is, the contributors probably have and idea, that for the most part, as long as everyone kind keeps the link shared only on the Zenith forum, the info they put in is somewhat private, or not shared with the world. Which is true, until someone shares the link with the world. But it can be difficult to know the collective opinion of 75 people, so I will add a column that contributors can express their choice related to this subject, as always when they have time.

We are up to 75 contributors, this is awesome!

Next T-Shirt Prize will be at 100.

Considering finding more prizes. All builders and flyers, except me (insert frowny face here), are eligible to win. Meaning no matter how many people have contributed, you all get another chance at a prize, whatever it is at the time.

Fantastic, have spread the work to a few Aust owners. 

Top Questions / Ideas of the Week - PLEASE VOTE ON SPREADSHEET

  • Sharing Link on Social Media? - I have added a column near everyone's name where you can vote Yes/No on "Add Security", I don't think we should share it on social media (like FaceBook) unless I secure the spreadsheet a bit more. Now this is an opinion, because I am concerned of people with malicious intent, and its kind of putting peoples info out there, even more than I would like. Privacy is kind of a joke these days, but I am an old school IT guy, I believe in protecting everyone's info first, if possible. This means there will be a little pain for all of us, getting me your email address, to allow you back into the spreadsheet. I am prepared to do the heavy lifting to get this done, just a little time really. But I don't want to loose all you guys or discourage new users, because they have to give me their email addresses for authentication.
  • Possible question - "How will I get you my email address" - 4 ways they all work for me, but some are more private, than others.
    1. (fastest and private)My personal email is at the top of the spreadsheet, send your email direct with just your name and N number.
    2. (A little slower, but private) Friend me on the forum - and message me with it. I will get your info automatically from the forum.
    3. (Fast, but not private yet) Add it to the spreadsheet, once the spreadsheet is better secured, only approved builders will see your email.
    4. (Fast, but not private) Post on the forum ( not a fan of this, but it will get the job done)

  • Add Tabs - Another field I added for an open vote, is breaking the long spreadsheet up into tabs. Basically imaging all of the colored areas each having its own tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet. But every tab would automatically have your name and plane on the appropriate line to help you keep track of where your info is. I am an Excel spreadsheet junky, but even I am a bit overwhelmed but the length and volume of data in my face, and I am used to that, I do it every day at work.

Hi John, 

Mentioned in a post above, for security you could put together a google form that links to the google sheet. This way people enter the data there, and it appears in the sheet that you can give view access to for everyone. 

I would be happy to have it shared then on a wider public view, but I would not put in my email address. 



Great Idea!

I will work on the Forms idea, and read only access.

Full write/change access could be granted on a per person basis after that to their info, but likely will requiring me knowing what account/email they will access the spreadsheet with. But this email would not be shared with anyone, but me for the purpose of strictly granting access.

Thanks again Scott!

MORE PRIZES - COMING SOON - Every vendor I have approached so far has offered or is considering supplying something for prizes. I am overwhelmed by the vendors support and my fellow builders / flyers. Super excited, this is so fun and rewarding.

Our first T-Shirt winner has his Low Wing ZenithShirt being shipped out, THANKS ZENITH!!!

We are up to 84 contributors!!! Lets get to 100. Super Prizes in the works.

NEW PRIZE (Will announce at 100 contributors) 1- 50ft Roll of 20 AGW, 3 C TEFZEL SHIELDED WIRE to install AeroLED Microsun and Nav Lights.

A $60 dollar value with the shipping included.

NEW PRIZE 2 (Will announce at 150 contributors) - MicroSun landing/recognition light - I am still in shock on this one, I may be wrong but I think this is a $350 prize - need to confirm the exact part number maybe, but that is the description above I was given. (LOL some one else should of had the idea for the spreadsheet so I could be eligible, just kidding, my reward is helping my fellow builders and flyers)

THANK YOU AEROLED for your support of my fellow pilot and builders


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