Alright, how the heck does one make those neat crimps in the sheet metal for the curved L angles etc.? I inherited a simple metal crimper when I bought the kit from the original owner that looks like two L shaped pieces of thin metal rod welded back-to-back but danged if I can make those neat factory looking crimps. All I do is distort the metal when I practice. My web search for a "metal crimper" or "sheet metal crimping tool" only results in a tool for HVAC duct work. The photos of a crimp tool in the assembly manual don't help at all.  The factory tool looks like a pair of cleco pliers with maybe a die taped to it?  A search on this forum only comes up with discussions on electrical crimpers.

Any assistance is appreciated.


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Hi Jim,

Sheet metal fluting pliers 22.32$ USD from    almost the same as Aircraft Spruce 1/3 the price.

Item #201592216811

They work very well and came very fast thru the mail.




Thanks Ken and Normand!

I found the plastic tipped pliers to be okay as long as the material wasn't over 0.020" and then be careful or the plastic tips eat themselves... I eventually bought a couple of the all metal variants (one like Normand's) which seem like new after some years... 


But maybe I'm too ham-fisted...

I made my own fluting pliers from a $3 pair of pliers from Harbor Freight using the method shown on the EAA hints for home builders video.

Thanks Lawrence!

Dang John, that's some very nice workmanship in that photo.


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