How do you connect the fuel line from the wing tanks to the suction collector (T-joint)?

It seems like you have to make a tight 90 degree to the firewall.    What did you use for fittings on this connection?  It also seems like it's builder choice  on which way the suction collector attaches to the fuel filters.  The 2012 assembly guide shows it pointing towards the nose gear, but I think it could point the other way and then your fuel lines can stay close the fuselage side.

Could I seem some photos please?

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I didn't like the way the fuel hose was routed by muffler and nose gear, so I made my own pipe. Actually two of them, one didn't have the dimensions quite right. I machined a steel tube so it has the barbs, heated it up to bend it (a little kinked but fuel flows through just fine), and silver soldered the two output barbs, picture is before solder and paint. The fuel hose through the firewall goes right into the pipe now. This is for a ULPower 260i. I showed the ULPower guys what I did and they politely thanked me for the suggestion.


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